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 AI Driven Predictive Cash Flow Solution for Modern Enterprises

MVue equips organizations with an AI powered cash flow management and forecasting solution that overcomes the limitations of intuition-based or outdated methods

Financial Reports

"A global survey of CFOs conducted by Everest Group, found improving cash flow to be  a major priority for a CFOs in 2023. Organizations are planning adoption of real-time cash forecasting models and are also in the early stages of using predictive analytics to unlock incremental cash flow​"



For many organizations today, cash forecasting is done manually by gathering information from multiple sources, using intuition-based/statistical modelling capabilities in rudimentary excel spreadsheets. MVue enables organizations with a highly enhanced predictive cash flow forecasting solution by leveraging Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning techniques, to accurately predict future cash flows, optimize liquidity and drive better financial outcomes. MVue platform


  • Enables seamless data collection across multiple systems using pre-built connectors

  • Leverages Al/ ML models for accurately forecasting cash flows using data incubated from varied applications

  • Enhances Multi-Channel Stakeholder collaboration across the organization with a simplified and elevated User Interface

  • Provides actionable insights along with scenario modelling capabilities to allow CFO’s & CAO’s to efficiently adjust their current/forecasted cash flows to better align with market conditions and their organizations expectations


Realtime Cash Visibility

With pre-built integrations with multiple banks & enterprise systems, MVue enables organizations get real-time visibility into their cash positions. This helps CFO’s to proactively manage their incremental cash flows and optimize liquidity.

Forecasting Accuracy

By leveraging AI and predictive insights, MVue significantly enhances the accuracy of cash flow forecasting, empowering CFOs to make informed financial decisions. The platform mitigates human biases and leverages machine learning techniques to ensure greater precision in forecasting

Data Visualization & Analytics

MVue delivers advance Data visualization capabilities to analyze, break down and segment cash flows in multiple customizable dimensions to enable a comprehensive understanding of cash flows for detailed in-sights into cash flow patterns for optimized decision making.

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